Flyff (Fly For Fun) is developed by Gala Lab Soft and is published by a number of companies throughout the globe including Webzen in North America. The free-to-play game features a charming visual aesthetic and an addictive gameplay. Being over 10 years old, Flyff has hit many milestones including being played by over 30 million people. While this is certainly impressive, the game’s community is just not anywhere near the size it was years back.
This doesn’t mean that the game is dying as Flyff does offer a very social experience. Once you create a character and enter the cute and fluffy world of Flyff, you’ll quickly find out that you cannot progress much alone. The game makes grouping almost required as everyone uses their classes to benefit the group as a whole. This does make the game a bit more of a “party and grind” experience than many contemporary MMOs, but if you’re used to old school features you’ll feel right at home. You’ll also be leveling for quite some time as players need to pick a job, level to 120 at which point you’ll become a “Master” in that profession, drop to level 60 and push you’re way to cap (a higher cap this time) again…and again…and again.
At level 20 though you’ll gain the ability to fly and move around the colorful world quite a bit faster. Don’t want to kill monsters for hours? That’s ok since Flyff offers many other things for players to take part in including seeking out votes to become Lord of your server, take part in a guild siege with your guildies, take that same guild into the Clockwork Dungeon to take on serious baddies, get married, raise pets, or even just mentor other players. Flyff has inspired multiple mobile spin-offs.
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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