Granado Espada Online

Granado Espada Online

Granado Espada is a 3D fantasy MMORPG published by T3Fun. Adventure back to colonial times where you can find prestige, wealth, adventure, and a lot of work. Gain prestige by collecting unique family members and questing to make your family the most wealthy and well known family of them all. There are tons of unique and exciting characters to choose from and customize as you play throughout the game.

Adventure out into the New World and start recruiting family members to help you out along your journey. You are able to choose from more than 150 unique characters to take along with you. With so many characters you are able to choose from you should be able to control more than one at a time, Granado Espada offers just that with a chance to control up to three different family members at the same time.

As you recruit more and more family members you are going to want to do quests to raise your family’s fame to be able to acquire more gear and take on higher level quests. Raise your fame by discovering new locations, hard work, and constant questing to never fall behind the other players. Use your family in Colony Wars to defeat other players in PvP settings to increase your fame even more.

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Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

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All material on this page is copyrighted by T3Fun and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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