Rumble Fighter

Rumble Fighter

Rumble Fighter is a free to play Fighting MMO. Rumble Fighter was originally called Gem Fighter and was released solely in Korea, but was renamed when it was ported. If you are someone that can’t get enough of games like Smash Brothers, then Rumble Fighter is a title you should check out. Basing the gameplay off of that style of fighting games, Rumble Fighter has plenty of fighting styles called “Sacred Scolls”. During battles, you can utilize the “ExoCore” system, providing you with the option to transform during a battle, which will alter your battle style, along with your appearance.

Along with the PVP gameplay, there are also PVE modes to choose from, along with a variety of PVP modes like Arena, and King of the Hill. There are around 25 game maps in Rumble Fighter, and each present a new challenge due to its layout or other interactive features. Another key feature of Rumble Fighter is the ability to switch between Skill sets and equipment builds between battles. This allows you to test builds easily and also makes it so you can use the right build for every task. Rumble Fighter is simple in nature, but offers a lot of complexed, skill-based gameplay that will keep you engaged for countless hours if that is what you’re looking for. Test your skills in Rumble Fighter today!

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RedFox Games

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Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

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All material on this page is copyrighted by RedFox Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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